
Tag: Mobilisation

Batiscan Beach

Batiscan Beach: the coastline belongs to everyone

Did you read Ariane Krol's article published in La Presse on June 9, 2024? Her dossier, Tensions sur fond de sable blond, brilliantly documents the case of the Batiscan beach and establishes for good what we've been trying to communicate for a year: the shoreline is public. The littoral is the shoreline that is dry once the water has receded after the great spring floods or tides. It's called the high-water mark or littoral limit. The Ministry of the Environment has confirmed that it has not ceded the littoral and that it takes precedence over any transactions or demarcations made by riparian owners. In very rare cases, some river and lake beds are privately owned, but these exceptions date from the distant past.

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Éolienne - Énergétiques

Municipalities between a rock and a hard place on energy issues

On April 11, Bernard Thompson, prefect of the MRC de Mékinac and mayor of Hérouxville, announced his resignation in the face of an unprecedented mobilization of local citizens against multinational TES Canada's plan to build 140 mega-wind turbines on farmland in the Mauricie region. If the past is any indication of the future, this toxic climate is likely to be reproduced elsewhere in Quebec, where the Legault government has chosen to allow large-scale industry to embark on the massive production of electricity on the territory, without any overall vision or adequate consultation. And it's the citizens and your members, the elected municipal officials, who are paying the price. Energy issues divide your communities.

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Hydro-Québec_Autoproduction éolienne

Sell the wind, kill Hydro-Québec on the altar of the private sector

In January 2018, Hydro-Québec CEO Éric Martel said, "If people start self-generating with solar, it's going to make electricity rates explode: it's the risk of the 'death spiral'." His logic was as follows: if customers start self-generating, there will be fewer customers to share Hydro-Québec's fixed-cost bill. Rising costs would become inevitable, pushing more customers to opt for self-generation. A downward spiral of customer attrition and economic death would follow.

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Méga-éoliennes_TES Mauricie_crédit photo : RADIO-CANADA / SANDRA FILLION

Energy development and TES Mauricie endanger our rivers

Normand Beaudet, in charge of mobilization at Fondation Rivières, talks about the TES Mauricie file and the mobilization against mega-wind turbines. Fondation Rivières is concerned. Undermining the social acceptability of wind energy is a threat to rivers. We need wind power to achieve our decarbonization objectives.

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