Wastewater management software
AuditEAU™ paves the way for improved management of municipal wastewater in Quebec
AuditEAU™ is a new and powerful application developed by Fondation Rivières. It makes it possible to fully exploit the millions of data collected by the computer system for Monitoring Municipal Wastewater Sanitation Works (SOMAEU) of the Ministry of the Environment (MELCCFP) since 2017.
What problem does AuditEAU™ address?
There are more than 800 wastewater treatment plants and more than 4,600 overflow structures that have operated in Quebec since 2017. Each of these structures accumulates hundreds of public data each year. The MELCCFP makes these data available, but their interpretation is complex and not very user-friendly. AuditEAU™ transforms this raw data into a mine of easily exploitable information for anyone interested in water quality.
Who is AuditEAU™ for?
- Environmental and consultation organizations (OBV, ZIP, citizen committees, etc.)
- Public decision-makers (municipalities, MRCs, provincial and federal departments)
- Consulting engineering, environmental and academic firms
- Any other organization or individual involved or impacted by municipal wastewater management
What is AuditEAU™ used for?
AuditEAU™ allows you to consult, process by category, visualize, compare and easily organize the multitude of operating data from all sanitation works in Quebec. Regardless of your level of expertise and your questions, AuditEAU™ can answer your questions, serve as a decision-making tool and present to you from a new angle information on the performance of the sanitation works that interest you .
AuditEAU™ allows you to:
- Develop a detailed and dynamic historical picture of the behaviour of the facilities
- Observe the evolution of the performance of each overflow structure
- View performance by treatment type
- Compare the performances of structures to similar ones in Quebec
- Identify priorities for intervention on a large scale
- Simplify complex information to communicate to stakeholders
What AuditEAU™ can accomplish
1. Detailed historical and dynamic portrait of the behaviour of the facilities
AuditEAU™ is a dynamic tool that allows you to process and aggregate all the information available in the SOMAEU system: design data, performance results such as flow rates, operating parameters, overflows, etc.
In a few clicks, obtain monitoring data at the desired spatial and temporal scale. The selection of elements of interest makes the analysis even more interactive.

2. Observe the evolution of the performance of each overflow structure
We must have a good understanding of the evolution of the performance of municipal sanitation works if we want to ensure good management. In this regard, AuditEAU™ provides exact values that allow you to monitor the effectiveness of your interventions on treatment systems or sewer networks. The graphical representations of AuditEAU™ also make it possible to identify recurring difficulties encountered and to note trends that would be difficult to capture with data limited to columns of figures, thus promoting informed decision-making.

3. View performance by treatment type
Quickly obtain a realistic assessment of the treatment performance that can be expected for both an existing and a new wastewater treatment plant*.
AuditEAU™ allows you to consult, based on the monitoring parameters at the tributary and effluent, the treatment performance per month and year for sets configured according to your specifications. Type of treatment, presence/absence of specific equipment, flow rates and design loads: these are the main adjustable variables.
To know
AuditEAU™ makes it possible to process real sanitation system performance data, in order to identify the most relevant avenues upstream of design activities. AuditEAU does not replace proper design calculations, which must be carried out by a qualified engineer.

4. Compare the performances of structures to similar ones in Quebec
AuditEAU™ makes it possible to visually compare the actual treatment performance of one or more wastewater treatment plants with other similar ones, wherever they are on Quebec territory and according to all relevant treatment variables. The visuals and tables clearly show the performance of a treatment on a historical basis. They make it possible to put the scale of a problem into perspective and to identify possible solutions.

5. Identify priorities for intervention on a large scale
AuditEAU™ makes it possible to classify the performance of wastewater treatment plants at the scale of watersheds, rivers, MRCs, administrative regions or for all of Quebec. It is then possible to easily identify stations encountering treatment challenges and to prioritize interventions.

6. Simplify complex information to communicate to stakeholders
Access reports that are tailored to your needs and are freely available for review. You'll have the perfect tool to easily communicate otherwise complex information to stakeholders involved in your wastewater management projects.
For any questions regarding our expertise at Fondation Rivières, please contact our data valorization and water quality advisor, Gabriel Cliche at 514-272-2666, ext. 303