
Contact us

Contact Fondation Rivières

Would you like more information about our initiatives? Do you need to update your contact details? Do you want to contribute to the preservation of Quebec's rivers and streams?

Do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form; a member of our team will respond to you as soon as possible.

Our adress

454 Laurier Avenue E Suite 201, Montreal, QC H2J 1E7

Our opening hours

Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Our phone number


(Poste 306)

Frequently Asked Questions

Report an act that you believe is harmful to waterways and the environment

Have you witnessed an illegal act that could affect the quality of our waterways? Whether it is a spill (accidental or not) or any other activity (filling, shoreline redevelopment, destruction of riparian buffer strips, etc.) that could affect water quality, the Fondation Rivières team invites you to report this activity.

You have two options

1. Contact the Urgence-Environnement response team by calling the toll-free number 1 866 694-5454.

2. Complete the contact form above explaining the situation to us.

Questions about partnerships, donations or media? Contact us

Yannick B. Gélinas

Communications and Mobilization Manager

514 272-2666, ext. 307

Media →

André Bélanger

General Manager

514 272-2666, ext. 301

Become a partner →

Coralie Massey-Cantin

Philanthropic development advisor

514 272-2666, ext. 305

Make a difference for the environment

Become a member of the Foundation by donating. Your contribution allows our team to continue to mobilize to protect Quebec's rivers and waterways for future generations. 

Do you have a question?

Follow us

Our charity number : 14505 9911 RR0002