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Our team

The Foundation has 8 permanent employees with diverse expertise. Consult their biographical files to discover their background and their motivation to get involved in protecting the environment. 

The Fondation Rivières can count on the support of a multidisciplinary team committed to defending Quebec's rivers. This diverse team brings together diverse skills to contribute to the preservation of the province's waterways.

Together, our team is equipped to address the following issues:

Roy Dupuis - La Fondation

Roy Dupuis

Roy Dupuis, co-founder of Fondation Rivières

A well-known actor in Quebec and internationally, Roy Dupuis is also deeply curious and seeks to understand different phenomenons.

This is how he discovered, in 2002, the multiple issues surrounding rivers threatened by the construction of small hydroelectric power plants with the Adoptez une rivière operation. He then became a sponsor of the Gatineau River and joined forces with Alain Saladzius and Michel Gauthier to create the Fondation Rivières, in order to finally give a voice to the rivers that were then defenceless, and to offer the population the necessary tools to be informed and to invest in the protection of this collective wealth. He continued his research on the energy sector and became involved in the Avec énergie campaign to raise awareness of alternative energy production methods. He took an active part in the protection of the Rupert River when Hydro-Quebec announced its intention to divert 350 km of the river and was involved in the documentary Chercher le courant (Searching for the Current) on the issues surrounding the harnessing of the Romaine River. More recently, in the documentary L'empreinte, he examines our origins associated with those of the First Nations, whose values he shares with the Fondation Rivières.

Alain Saladzius - La Fondation

Alain Saladzius

A graduate in 1982 from the École Polytechnique in civil engineering, with a focus on environmental protection, Alain Saladzius has worked for nearly 40 years in the field of water treatment.

He was project coordinator at the Ministry of the Environment and team leader at the Montreal Infrastructure Directorate of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy, where he supervised the completion of hundreds of water treatment projects. drinking water and wastewater. He participated in the development of the Quebec Drinking Water Economy Strategy resulting from the National Water Policy. He is now an independent consultant in water management and public administration.

Alain Saladzius was particularly active in analyzing the environmental and economic consequences of the awarding of electricity production contracts to private producers in the 1990s, independently. Its research and actions, in collaboration with various specialists and groups, led the government to create a public commission of inquiry into this industry in 1995. 

In 2002, he coordinated Operation Adopt a River bringing together five national groups and a multitude of artists, including Roy Dupuis, and committed volunteers to counter the construction of 36 small hydroelectric power stations on 24 rivers in Quebec. The initiative kicked off the Fondation Rivières and won the Phoenix Environmental Prize, Education and Awareness category. 

Alain Saladzius has received numerous recognitions throughout his career. He was the recipient of a Canadian Environmental Award, Community Action and Conservation Category, and the first Reader's Digest Hero of the Year in 2003. The Canadian Council of Engineers awarded him a Distinction the following year for meritorious services, Community Service category. In 2017, he was awarded the title of Fellow of Engineers Canada in recognition of his exceptional contributions to the engineering profession in Canada. The Order of Engineers awarded him an Honoris genius in 2021 to highlight his social commitment. In 2023, the University of Quebec awarded him an honorary doctorate for the implementation of our organization as well as for his exceptional contribution to the protection and development of Quebec rivers, particularly in the Adopt a River operation.

Stéphane Gautier-Éthier - La Fondation

Stéphane Gautier-Éthier

Stéphane Gautier-Éthier is a chartered professional accountant at Brunet Roy Dubé, CPA and holds a Bachelor's degree in business administration from HEC Montreal.

He distinguishes himself in his professional life by responding to the needs of his clients and at the community level by his dedication. He wants our society to be proactive in protecting the environment and more consistent in its actions. "We know the harmful impacts of our development and we must work to stop them." In his opinion, environmental protection can be an economic lever and he considers that our water bodies are a wealth that we must value for future generations.

Dominique Girard - La Fondation

Dominique Girard

Dominique Girard studied business administration at HEC and psychology at UQTR. She has held the position of controller for a subsidiary of the Cascades Group and was a price and cost analyst for a wholesale manufacturer of hardwood products.

A young retiree from the business world, Dominique joined the team because she witnessed the fragility of rivers, having grown up on the banks of the Saint-François River. She brings accounting expertise, but above all a citizen's perspective. She encourages all those who care about rivers to join the Fondation Rivières.

Caroline Simard CA

Caroline Simard

Caroline Simard is an economist at Ouranos, a consortium specializing in climate change adaptation.

She holds a master's degree in economics from the École des sciences de la gestion de l'UQAM and is currently completing a doctorate in natural resource conservation at the Institut des Sciences de la forêt tempérée de l'UQO on water quality in agricultural environments. Previously, she carried out several consulting mandates in the municipal sector and at the Régie de l'énergie, and she participated in various university research projects on sustainable development and conservation of natural environments in Quebec and abroad.

"Passionate about the great outdoors and wilderness from a very young age, I am convinced that natural environments provide us with more than kilowatts or m3 output. The beauty of a waterfall and the pleasure of paddling a river, these are intangibles that must be properly considered by our decision makers when evaluating new projects."

Daniel Leblanc - La Fondation

Daniel Leblanc

A nature lover, Daniel Leblanc obtained his civil engineering degree in 1979, with a focus on environmental protection. He continued his training in this field at the master's and doctoral levels.

After working mainly for Bell Canada, the Société d'Énergie de la Baie James and the École Polytechnique, he crossed the ocean to work for the French Ministry of the Environment and the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, where he did his doctoral studies in the field of environmental impact assessment of various linear projects.

After having worked for a French multinational, still in environment, he came back to Quebec to share his expertise with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MELCC) of Quebec as a specialist in wastewater treatment for a few years.

He then spent the last 27 years of his career with the department as a manager in the five different regional divisions of Greater Montreal, ending as Regional Director for the Montérégie, agricultural, water, municipal and natural sectors. His teams of agronomists, biologists, engineers, geologists and other specialists have handled tens of thousands of projects. He has been a member of several committees mandated to develop legislation, regulations, policies, guidelines and guides. He has represented the Ministry on various international delegations. He initiated the conservation plans for natural environments in the Montreal and Montérégie regions. He supported several environmental groups in their actions. He has managed various environmental disasters such as lead contamination of drinking water, fires in waste management sites, ice storms, and several major floods.

He is currently completing his 4th term as a Canadian member of various study groups set up by the International Joint Commission to address water management issues in watersheds straddling Canada and the United States.

Recently retired, he decided to continue his involvement in the protection of the environment by participating in the mission of the Fondation Rivières.

Éric Gagnon - La Fondation

Eric Gagnon

Éric Gagnon is Director of Social Performance for international projects at Englobe. On industrial sites with complex social and environmental issues, he carries out interventions that support sustainable development and promote community resilience.

By positioning itself close to the promoters, it facilitates the prevention if not the mitigation and compensation of deficiencies in social acceptability.

Eric has been working on community, environmental and occupational health and safety issues since 2009. He supports corporate social responsibility and community development in the vicinity of major industrial projects, particularly through social impact studies and adapted management plans, especially in developing countries. From 1999 to 2003, he also publicly questioned the need for Hydro-Québec's Eastmain 1-A / Rupert Diversion project.

Laura Fontaine - La Fondation

Laura Fontaine

Proud Innu of Mani-utenam, the protection of the water and the territory is at the heart of Laura Fontaine's identity. As a student at Kiuna College in Arts, Letters and Communication, she is involved in defending the voice and honour of her ancestors by defending the territory.

Véronique Lussier - La Fondation

Véronique Lussier

A graduate in communications from UQAM, Véronique Lussier has spent a large part of her professional life as a manager in the media world.

She has worked in the private and public sectors, notably at Radio-Canada, TFO, TVA and Astral. For three years, she was an executive with the City of Montreal.

Today, she continues her work as a consultant and accompanies multidisciplinary teams in projects for companies, public organizations and associations. As a lover of activities in, on and around water, lakes and rivers have always been part of her life. The richness of our waterways is a distinctive asset of our territory and of Quebec culture. It must be preserved and is natural character must be enhanced.

Frédéric Ménagé - La Fondation

Frédéric Ménage

A great lover of Quebec's rivers, Frédéric Ménagé has been exploring Quebec's territory for the past twenty years. In his spare time, Frédéric is a whitewater kayaking expert and a trainer on several mechanical engineering software programs. He enjoys sharing his passions with others.

Frédéric has been involved with the Montreal white water canoe & kayak club, since 2007, first as secretary, then vice-president and currently as a trainer. He often writes descriptions of river paddling routes and shares them with the community as a recognized and certified guide.

Travelling the territory by kayak, canoe or cross-country ski allows him to build a special bond with the natural elements. During expeditions lasting several days, the observation, the gathering, the challenges and the constant amazement provided by nature allow him to frequently recharge his batteries.

Frédéric Ménagé has chosen to join the efforts of the Fondation Rivières to ensure that our society is more concerned about preserving the charm and health of Quebec's rivers.

Julie Sabourin - La Fondation

Julie Sabourin

Julie Sabourin has always been passionate about protecting the environment. After completing her bachelor's degree in communications, she became involved and worked with a number of organizations with social and environmental values.

She was a candidate for the Green Party of Canada in 2006 and holds a certificate in environmental science and a graduate degree in environmental education from UQAM. She currently works as a business intelligence consultant for Employment and Social Development Canada. Having grown up near Fort Chambly and the Richelieu River, she wishes to actively participate in the popularization of the issues surrounding the protection of rivers and streams.

Gilles Lajoie - La Fondation

Gilles Lajoie

Gilles Lajoie is a partner and strategic advisor at Levio, one of the most dynamic business and information technology consulting firms in Quebec. He has extensive experience in the digital world where he has carried out a series of transformations for private and public companies. He began his career in the financial media sector where he was a journalist, director and founder of leaders in the field for major media groups in Quebec.

Gilles then moved into the consulting sector where he accompanied a variety of companies in various sectors in their digital shift. Until recently, he headed the Société québécoise d'information juridique (SOQUIJ) where he successfully completed a significant financial, operational and technological transformation.

Louise Millette CA Fondation Rivières

Louise Millette

Louise Millette has been a Ph.D. professor in the Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal since 2002 and was its director until June 2021. It was the deplorable state of the Rivière des Prairies and the hope of making a difference that led her to civil engineering and environmental protection.

Ms. Millette catalyzed Polytechnique's commitment to sustainable development (SD). In 2004, she wrote her first environmental policy and in 2019 created the SD Office. As a result of these actions, Polytechnique was awarded STARS Gold accreditation in 2019. It is working to integrate SD into the training of engineers.

Ms. Millette's involvement in several organizations has earned her several awards and honors, including the titles of Knight of the Order of Montreal and Fellow of Engineers Canada, as well as awards from the Minister of Education and Higher Education and the Quebec Business Women's Network.

Marie Dumoulin - La Fondation

Marie Dumoulin

Marie Dumoulin is a guidance counsellor and student in the environmental mediation microprogram at the Université de Sherbrooke in Longueuil.

She holds a bachelor's degree in cultural animation and research and a master's degree in career studies from the Université du Québec à Montréal. She has mainly worked on personal mobilization, through career counselling, of people in vulnerable situations (newcomers; adults with neurological disorders and/or developmental delays). Today, she is particularly interested in citizen mobilization projects aimed at protecting and conserving the environment.

Co-founder and member of Montreal's first women's ice canoe team, Marie is also the producer and co-director of the documentary "Pourquoi qu'on fait ça", which features the St. Lawrence River in winter. She is also actively involved with animal shelters.

"Waterways give me so much energy and happiness! I want to show my gratitude by getting involved in their preservation and enhancement. I am very happy to be able to do this with the Fondation Rivières!"

André Bélanger au Grand Splash 2023_Fondation Rivières

André Bélanger

Manager in journalism, marketing communications and entrepreneur, André has more than 25 years of experience in large companies, digital agencies and startups.

In recent years, André has become interested in digital transformation and innovation within organizations while maintaining his involvement in environmental organizations.

André also advocates within organizations related to the environment and public transportation, and he has supported Fondation Rivières since its very beginnings.

Gabriel Cliche - Fondation Rivières

Gabriel Cliche

Gabriel holds a bachelor's degree in natural and managed environments from Laval University as well as a college diploma in water treatment from the Cégep de Saint-Laurent. He specializes in the interpretation of various data, mainly from the SOMAEU, in order to manage and protect water resources.

With his numerous professional and academic experiences in writing, documentary research, operation of drinking water and wastewater treatment systems, statistical analysis, sampling and land use planning, he sees to the identification of sources of pollution for various rivers and to the development of strategies for the implementation of concrete solutions with the environment.

Philippe Maisonneuve - Fondation Rivières

Philippe Maisonneuve

Philippe Maisonneuve holds a master's degree in fluvial ecology from the Université de Montréal. He participated in three years of sampling aboard the research vessel Lampsilis of the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.

He has developed extensive field experience, project logistics, data analysis, and knowledge of emerging issues related to water quality and aquatic environment integrity. He conducted an environmental assessment for the city of Trois-Rivières to map and budget a plan to analyze the impacts of untreated wastewater discharges on receiving environments. His expertise in aquatic ecology allows him to investigate the impacts of pollution sources beyond their point of emission and to contribute to the development of concrete strategies to improve the health of waterways.

Coralie Massey-Cantin - Fondation Rivières

Coralie Massey-Cantin

After joining the team as an intern, Coralie now holds the position of philanthropic development advisor within Fondation Rivières. Holder of a master's degree in environmental management, she had the chance to acquire a lot of knowledge about wet and water environments (MHH). Coming from a family that loves water activities, she joins Fondation Rivières to promote access to quality water for all.

Élisabeth Caron-Sergerie - Fondation Rivières - Chargée de projets numériques

Élisabeth Caron-Sergerie

Élisabeth has been navigating digital for several years. Before arriving at Fondation Rivières in November 2021, Élisabeth was a digital cultural development agent for the Association of Community Written Media of Quebec and the ADN Network. She is currently completing a certificate in innovation management part-time at HEC Montréal. She also holds a bachelor's degree in cinema from the University of Montreal.

Élisabeth is passionate about geek culture. She is interested in change management, web development, data analysis and everything related to digital and the emergence of new technologies. Information technology management, SEO and the implementation of strategies to promote Fondation Rivières are at the heart of its mandate.

Sophie Lachance - Fondation Rivières - Chargée de projets

Sophie Lachance

With a bachelor's degree in marketing communications and a post-graduate diploma (DESS) in journalism, Sophie has specialized in writing web and magazine content, notably as editor-in-chief.

Her diversified experiences (advertising, independent journalism, municipal cultural sector) have as a common thread the interaction between humans and nature. Today, she sees these two elements as an inseparable whole, to be cherished and defended. As an avid surfer, she naturally found her way to the Foundation. Her curiosity and sensitivity to words and environmental issues make her an ally in achieving the organization's mission.

Marouane Joundi - Fondation Rivières - Mobilisation

Marouane Joundi

Marouane holds a master's degree in political science from the Université de Montréal. He is interested in social movements, their media reception and their conditions of success in influencing public policies. A year after his arrival in Quebec, the young man from Morocco became involved in the climate action movement, notably as co-spokesperson for the collective La Planète s'invite à l'Université at the 2019 World Climate March.

Marouane joins the Fondation Rivières in the hope of strengthening the interest of citizens and decision-makers in the issue of water in Quebec, its governance and the many challenges it poses.

Photo de Paul Beaulieu administrateur de la Fondation Rivières

Paul Beaulieu

Paul Beaulieu has been a professor of business strategy at the School of Management Sciences at the University of Quebec in Montreal for over 30 years. Holder of a Ph.D. in Administration and Education Policy and a Master's degree in Industrial Relations, he is a professor-researcher within the Research Group on Governance and Business-Politics Relations of ESG- UQÀM. Strongly concerned by the future of collective water management, he was involved in the Yamaska Watershed Organization.

His research and interventions, as an expert, at national and international levels, focus on the strategic development and evaluation of organizations, as well as on governance. He is a member of the scientific council of the Business Science Institute, a global institution whose mission is to train doctors of practice in management.

Paul Beaulieu was deputy minister responsible for policy development at the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Science and Technology of the Government of Quebec. He also served on the board of directors of several para/peri-public organizations.

Lena Szymoniak, ancienne chargée de projet en qualité de l'eau à la Fondation Rivières

Lena Szymoniak

Holder of a bachelor's degree in Earth Sciences at Dalhousie University, Lena deepened her knowledge in the environmental field during her studies at École Polytechnique de Montréal. With a master's degree in civil engineering and a specialization in water treatment, she brings her experience in carrying out research projects and resolving environmental issues.

Her career also led her to become interested in issues of environmental regulation and public participation in the management of our natural resources. At the Foundation, she sees to the characterization of different rivers, the screening and identification of sources of pollution and the development of strategies aimed at implementing concrete solutions.

Sophie Thiébaut - Gestionnaire de projet en mobilisation à la Fondation Rivières

Sophie Thiébaut

Newly graduated with a master's degree in environment from the University of Montreal, Sophie has been particularly interested in the last year in mobilizing the Quebec environmental movement for the fight for the climate, by getting involved in the Common Front for the Energy Transition and within the citizen movement The planet invites itself to parliament.

Previously a municipal councilor in Montreal for twelve years, she, among other functions, piloted the socio-ecological transition plan for the Sud-Ouest borough.

Coming from the community environment, Sophie participated in several urban struggles including the Mobilization for a better Turcot interchange, the self-managed project of Building 7 in Pointe-Saint-Charles or the future of the Bridge-Bonaventure sector.

She joins the Fondation Rivières with the objective of strengthening mobilization for the protection of water and natural rivers in Quebec as well as access to the banks, particularly in Montreal and on the Richelieu.

Normand Beaudet, Responsable, stratégies de mobilisation, énergie et climat à la Fondation Rivières

Norman Beaudet

Normand Beaudet studied at McGill University in renewable natural resource management and environmental sciences, and co-founded the Nonviolence Resource Center, of which he is still a member of the board of directors.

Normand s'est spécialisé dans les questions de sécurité et les stratégies de mobilisation et de luttes citoyennes. Impliqué dans la lutte contre les énergies fossiles, il a œuvré à empêcher l'inversion de la ligne 9B d’Enbridge avec Action environnement Basses-Laurentides, à enrayer les projets de méga pipeline Énergie-Est et GNL Québec en plus d’avoir contribué à la campagne Déclaration d'urgence climatique. Récemment, Normand a travaillé en faveur d'une politique de sécurisation de l'approvisionnement énergétique. Il siège aujourd’hui sur le conseil d'administration du Regroupement vigilance énergie Québec.

In terms of environmental conservation, Normand has contributed to informing and raising public awareness of the value of the last forest area of the Saint-Laurent Plain between Montreal and Quebec near the river (Forêt seigneuriale de Lotbinière) as well as the Seigneurie” and its Chêne river, threatened successively by gas companies and forestry companies.

Maëlle Tripon_Fondation Rivières

Maëlle Tripon

Holder of a master's degree in environment and a bachelor's degree in political science, Maëlle has long been interested in the conservation and sustainable use of natural environments, particularly rivers. His varied academic and professional experiences within conservation organizations and international organizations have refined his understanding of socio-ecological issues, and led him to focus on land planning issues.

At the Foundation, Maëlle works as a project manager for collaborative approaches relating to the quality and access to water.

Benoît Girourd_Responsable des relations gouvernementales et de la concertation

Benoit Girouard

Involved for more than a decade in the Peasant Union, notably as president, Benoît campaigns for agrarian reform that is more respectful of the environment and waterways in Quebec. Recognized for his vision and leadership, he has developed solid credibility both with the general public and the political world thanks to his understanding of the issues of agroecology, land use, multifunctionality of agriculture and goods. and environmental services.

A great nature lover established in the Laurentians, Benoît has organized several riverbank cleanups. Today he uses his experience for the benefit of rivers, which have always been at the heart of his thinking.

Photo de Yannick B. Géliinas

Yannick B. Gélinas

Yannick B. Gélinas has 25 years of experience as an artist, director, and then as a communications project manager. Over the years, she has collaborated with various institutions and organizations such as the NFB, Fortier Danse Création, the Conseil des arts de Montréal, the City of Montreal, Culture Montréal and the Fablab community. Her keen interest in ecological issues has always driven her, and she engages in projects consistent with her values. Yannick B. Gélinas holds a Bachelor's degree in communications and a Master's degree in multimedia from UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal). Her diverse professional background gives her unique expertise that she is happy to put to the service of preserving water resources. A lover of water and nature, she loves canoe-camping and swimming in the lakes and rivers of Quebec.

Robert Stuparu

Robert Stuparu

Robert Gabriel Stuparu, étudiant en quatrième année de génie civil à Polytechnique Montréal, occupe le poste de directeur au sein du comité étudiant PolySphère depuis avril 2023, avec pour objectif de promouvoir la vision du développement durable et de la transition écologique. Depuis mai 2023, il travaille également pour la firme de génie-conseil Stantec et s'apprête à débuter un stage en transition écologique au sein de l'entreprise TCI+. Son intérêt pour les ressources renouvelables et les impacts des changements climatiques le motive à s'investir dans la protection de la biodiversité et de l'accès à l'eau. Parallèlement, M. Stuparu a enrichi son parcours académique par des stages et des prolongations à temps partiel dans des domaines tels que la géotechnique, l'environnement et le développement urbain. Cela lui a permis de contribuer professionnellement à des projets concernant les cours d'eau, la faune environnante et les populations affectées.

Robert LeBlanc

Robert LeBlanc

Robert LeBlanc est le Président d’une PME spécialisé dans l’évaluation des programmes internationaux et dans l’analyse de la faisabilité des investissements publics outre-mer. Il est détenteur d’une Maîtrise en Administration des Affaires de l’Université Dalhousie et d’une scolarité de doctorat en administration des affaires (DBA) à Sherbrooke. 

Il a fait partie de l’équipe canadienne aux négociations du GATT et dirigea un des plus importants contrats de développement des capacités systémiques d’un ministère canadien. Ensuite, il fut le directeur d’un projet en Colombie pour la Banque Mondiale et le Canada dans le secteur de la transformation du bois. Son prochain rôle de Vice-président exécutif chez Lavalin lui a permis de développer des structures socio-économiques et des investissements pour les autochtones canadiens.

Entre 1992 et 1994 il a été membre de la faculté du prestigieux  Canadian Center for Management Development, une institution de formation et de recherche stratégique en administration publique.

En 1995 Le Conseil du Trésor du Canada lui octroya un mandat de restructuration d’une Corporation de la couronne canadienne dans le domaine de systèmes de gestion et politique scientifiques, Dans ce rôle de sous-ministre, il participa à la création d'un programme visant l'intégration des connaissances traditionnelles des Premières Nations aux approches de la recherche scientifique occidentale.

Il devient ensuite Vice-président exécutif de Tecsult avec responsabilités en développement des affaires. Il dirigea plusieurs projets majeurs; par exemple chez  Kenworth  et le Department of  Defense des États-Unis, il est ensuite envoyé au Madagascar par le  State Department des États-Unis où il assuma la direction  d’un programme de développement des politiques environnementales. Depuis son retour au Canada, il dirige plusieurs mandats en évaluation de programmes à l’international. 

Il agit présentement comme conseiller vis-à-vis des OSBL au Canada, particulièrement en ce qui concerne des plans et stratégies pour la protection des bassins versants.

Pauline Dubois

Pauline Dubois

Après plusieurs expériences en tant que chargée d’événements dans le milieu culturel, notamment au sein du paysage cinématographique québécois, Pauline occupe désormais le poste de chargée de projet pour le Grand Splash. Titulaire d’une Maîtrise en développement culturel et valorisation du patrimoine puis d’un DESS en communication à l’Université de Montréal, Pauline a su développer des compétences dans la promotion et la mise en place d’événements sur un territoire

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The Great Descent
from the North River!

When? 📆 September 22, 2024

Where? 📍Mirabel