The Foundation

The Foundation

Together for the rivers and streams of Quebec

Our mission

For 20 years, the Rivers Foundation has been working to preserve, restore and enhance the natural character of rivers. It contributes to ensuring water quality and access to water bodies for the Quebec population, taking into account social, environmental and economic dimensions.

We participate in public debate, we make recommendations, we contribute to science, we innovate.

We support water stakeholders with consulting services to optimize wastewater and stormwater management. We highlight problems throughout Quebec with an interactive map of wastewater outfalls and propose solutions and tools to help solve them.

What are the areas of intervention of the Fondation Rivières?

Water quality

Nearly 53,000: that's the number of times wastewater was discharged into Quebec's rivers in 2020 because it could not be treated by municipal wastewater systems. The Rivers Foundation is at the forefront of this battle to help municipalities solve this problem.

Access to water

Imagine a world where we could all access rivers throughout Quebec... Too many banks are private, inaccessible. With the support of members and the collaboration of citizen committees and our partners, the Fondation Rivières works to protect and develop public access to water.

Preservation of the natural character of rivers

Our rivers are beautiful, natural and wild. Yet they are heavily impacted by the cumulative effects of human activity: bridges, dams, mines, logging, farming and urban development. The Foundation is working to preserve these precious landscapes so that everyone can enjoy this important cultural heritage!

What causes does the Fondation Rivières campaign for?

Unjustified hydroelectric dams

The concreting of rivers destroys falls and modifies ecosystems and landscapes. Hydroelectricity production is falsely presented as a solution to the problem of greenhouse gas emissions when lower impact alternatives exist. To find out more, watch the documentary Chercher le Current, the Avec Énergie campaign as well as the documentary theater play and podcast J'aime Hydro.

Protecting our rivers with riverbanks

The shoreline acts as a filter, retaining material and preventing soil erosion.

Pollution that suffocates rivers and streams

Small streams and land drainage systems feed the rivers. They often constitute open sewers, affected by diffuse pollution and erosion.

The excessive privatization of the banks

Public access to water is a fundamental right which tends to disappear quietly, while lakes and rivers help promote well-being and adapt to heatwaves, which are more frequent and intense due to climate change. Water is a collective resource and access to it should be protected.

Our vision

That there are protected areas where rivers flow freely so that people can fully enjoy them;

That an ecotourism industry, skilfully developed, allows the social character of the rivers to be valued accordingly. Thus, some will benefit from the rivers for their health, others for their personal growth;

That the ecological and environmental character be respected. This way, current and future generations will be able to discover and appreciate them.

Adoptez une rivière - La Fondation Rivières 2002 - Banderole - Mobilisation
The Fondation Rivières during the Adopt a River campaign in 2002.

Our values


Our positions are based on science and professionalism.


We believe that every Quebecer is an eco-citizen, with rights (such as the right to live in a healthy environment), but also with responsibilities towards the rivers (such as contributing to the protection of the collective natural heritage).


We stand for rivers and the Quebec public interest. We refuse any influence that could harm our mission.


We are committed to mutual aid, collaboration and exchange. Together, we can protect our rivers.

Discover the rivers for which Fondation Rivières acts positively. Contribute to our actions by adopting the one of your choice. 

Make a difference for the environment

Become a member of the Foundation by donating. Your contribution allows our team to continue to mobilize to protect Quebec's rivers and waterways for future generations. 

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Our charity number : 14505 9911 RR0002