Ozonation: Fondation Rivières welcomes the decision of the city of Montreal
Fondation Rivières was relieved to learn that the wastewater ozonation plant to be commissioned in Montreal from
Fondation Rivières was relieved to learn that the wastewater ozonation plant to be commissioned in Montreal from
Communiqué de presse – Une analyse de la performance des 17 systèmes d’assainissement des eaux usées des bassins versants des rivières Châteauguay et Saint-Louis pour la période 2008-2015 montre plusieurs sources de pollution et de cas de non-respect des exigences gouvernementales.
Press release - Untreated wastewater overflows continue unabated in the St. Lawrence and rivers, particularly the Rivière du Nord, according to a report produced by Fondation Rivières and sent to each of its 13 tributary municipalities. The report assesses the performance of the 18 wastewater treatment plants and presents the number of untreated wastewater overflows for the period 2008 to 2015.
Press release - Jovialist assessment of the spill of 4.9 billion liters of wastewater, instead of the 8 billion originally planned, fails to provide information on many of the events that led to "flushgate". Fondation Rivières maintains its requests for information on the decisions taken and efforts made to minimize the spill. It believes that the spill should have been less.
Communiqué de presse – La Fondation Rivières demande au ministre Heurtel de justifier sa décision à l’effet que la ville de Montréal n’a pas à désinfecter ses eaux usées tout au long de l’année. Cette démonstration relève de la responsabilité de l’État et doit être rendue publique.
Press release - The report by experts commissioned by Environment Canada on the City of Montreal's planned wastewater spill indicates that the consequences would be significant enough to recommend the use of a tanker and the installation of mobile treatment units, as well as the collection of waste in the path of the plume during the spill.
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