The Foundation has just filed a complaint with the Ministry of the Environment concerning a surprising spill of contaminated water in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue. Children were very surprised by the color and the cloud of contamination in the water.
Montreal, September 12, 2019
Mr. Jean-Marie jr Dion. Deputy Regional Director
Quebec Environmental Control Center
Regional management of Montreal and Laval
Ministry of the Environment and the Fight against Climate Change
5199 Sherbrooke Street East, Suite 3860
Montreal (Quebec) H1T 3X9
Subject: Complaint for discharge of contaminated water in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue
Citizens informed us of a spill of contaminated water in the rapids at the outlet of the Ottawa River, at the Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue wharf, on August 14, 2019 around 6 p.m. The water came from the storm sewer network whose outlet is immediately upstream of the building located at 178, rue Sainte-Anne, in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue.
The attached photo, taken from a video also attached, shows a red discharge with
suspended matter in high density. These may be discharges from cleaning of
aqueduct pipes.
We ask what is the origin of these discharges, if the regulations allow such practices during scouring work on aqueduct pipes, and why the contaminated water is not funneled into the sanitary network, which would have allowed minimal treatment at the treatment plant.
What are the spilled residues? Are such discharges subject to authorization or adequate standard procedures? Is it a spill containing harmful pollutants that could affect flora, fauna or recreational tourism activities, or that could cause a danger to public health, particularly in a drinking water intake? We request, where appropriate, that the procedures be undertaken. We will send you the contact details of witnesses if necessary.
Thanking you for your attention,
Roy Vergel Navarrete, B.Sc.
Mobilization Project Leader