
Tag: Eaux usées

Grande descente : 22 septembre dernier, plus de 200 personnes ont répondu à l’appel de la Fondation Rivières et de Canot-Kayak Québec à descendre la rivière du Nord

Grande Descente 2024: Over 200 participants for World Rivers Day

On World River Day, September 22, over 200 people of all ages answered the call from Fondation Rivières, the Corporation pour la protection de l'environnement de Mirabel and Canot-Kayak Québec to take to the river! The first edition of the Grande Descente began near Mirabel, under the Canuta bridge, and ended with a generous buffet at Golf le Sélect.

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Image reflétant la piscine en eaux-vives de Beloeil: une baignade sécuritaire malgré les déversements d’eaux usées

Belœil en eaux-vives: safe swimming

The municipality of Belœil and Fondation Rivières took up a joint challenge this summer with the Beloeil en eaux-vives pilot project. Over 850 swimmers enjoyed the whitewater pool in complete safety, demonstrating the Richelieu River's swimming potential through a combination of sampling methods, including real-time water quality monitoring.

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Rivière Bayonne (crédit photo Plein air à la carte) Halte cycliste à Ste-Geneviève-de-Berthier

Municipality of Sainte-Élisabeth: the Bayonne River is too precious not to ensure the proper performance of its wastewater treatment facilities

The Bayonne River is too precious not to ensure the proper performance of its wastewater treatment facilities in Sainte-Élisabeth. Wastewater was discharged into the Bayonne River for 10 consecutive days in August 2022 by the municipality of Sainte-Élisabeth, when the river flow was minimal, and the hydraulic treatment capacity of its wastewater treatment plant was exceeded by some 25 %. On the other hand, the plant's current operating conditions provide excellent overall wastewater treatment performance. This is what our analysis of the situation has brought to light.

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Discover the rivers for which Fondation Rivières acts positively. 

For any questions regarding donations, please contact our philanthropic development advisor, Coralie Massey-Cantin at 514-272-2666, extension 305.

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