
Tag: Environnement

Speed regulation on the Richelieu River: real progress

A reasonable compromise: this is what the regulation of the speed of motorboats on the Richelieu River represents. The four municipalities concerned – Saint-Antoine-sur-Richelieu, Saint-Charles-sur-Richelieu, Saint-Denis-sur-Richelieu and Saint-Marc-sur-Richelieu – have adopted a draft amended regulation which will be submitted to Transport Canada .

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Municipal elections: Fondation Rivières reminds newly elected officials that they are part of the solution to the problem of wastewater spills

Press release - Seven new mayors sensitive to environmental issues have been elected in Quebec's seven largest cities. Longueuil, Saguenay, Laval, Quebec City, Gatineau, Terrebonne and Sherbrooke alone are home to half of Quebec's population, and are responsible for 42% of the total intensity of wastewater spills in Quebec, as demonstrated by the dismal 2020 wastewater spill chart.

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Palmarès 2020 Revu et corrigé

2020 rankings, revised and corrected

Press release - We unveiled our 2020 Palmares last week and, unfortunately, a mistake was made in the manipulation of our powerful, but oh so complex, database. Our calculations in terms of spill intensity are rigorously accurate, but it's in expressing this intensity in terms of population numbers that we made the mistake.

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Fondation Rivières releases the sad list of 2020 municipalities

Press release - For the second year in a row, Fondation Rivières has released a tool that lets you discover the list of municipalities that stand out in terms of the intensity of their wastewater discharges in 2020. It has also updated the interactive discharge map on its website with the new 2020 data, revealing that there were almost 53,000 wastewater discharges last year in Quebec.

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For any questions regarding donations, please contact our philanthropic development advisor, Coralie Massey-Cantin at 514-272-2666, extension 305.

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