Beach projects for swimming: we’re starting in Verdun!
In Verdun, the municipality has already worked hard to offer a beautiful beach to the population. And every day, the City of Montreal sends water samples to be analyzed to ensure your safety.
In Verdun, the municipality has already worked hard to offer a beautiful beach to the population. And every day, the City of Montreal sends water samples to be analyzed to ensure your safety.
Meadowbrook Creek will soon be drained by the City of Montreal because homes in Montreal West and Côte-Saint-Luc are discharging their wastewater directly into the creek.
La Fondation Rivières demande de suspendre la délivrance de l’autorisation de travaux de pose de conduites d’égouts pluviaux dans le secteur du ruisseau Meadowbrook jusqu’à ce qu’une solution soit mise en place afin de régler la problématique des raccordements croisés de conduites d’égouts.
Sewer cross-connections are a scourge against which MAMH can play a crucial role. The problem was identified long ago by MAMH, and the solutions put forward are not yielding results, due to a lack of adequate controls.
Press release - Fondation Rivières is delighted that the City of Montreal has chosen the project of an accessible harbour bath in downtown Montreal in its Plan Nature et Sport. And the best place to set it up is in the Jacques-Cartier Basin in Montreal's Old Port: the water is virtually always clean and access is safe.
Current administrative procedures mean that new sewer systems can be built, even if the downstream sewer system receiving the additional water is unable to carry it to the treatment plant without overflowing. Here's why.
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