Montreal, August 21, 2024 - Fondation Rivières conducted a study on the water quality at Lac Raymond in 2023 with the support of the Association de protection de l'environnement du Lac Raymond et de la Rivière du Nord (APELRRIN), which identified a problem with a reverse connection that had been discharging wastewater continuously for almost 20 years from the Rivière du Nord upstream of Lac Raymond. Although the water quality of Lac Raymond was suitable for swimming, there were sources of contamination that had not been identified. The City of Saint-Agathe-des-Monts began corrective work in the summer of 2024, scheduled for completion in early 2025, to rectify the problematic situation.
"The idea was not to find guilty parties, but to identify the source of the contamination and resolve the problem. APELRRIN's involvement was remarkable, as was the collaboration of the surrounding municipalities. "
André Bélanger, Director of Fondation Rivières
Despite occasional contamination peaks at the mouth of the river and in Lac Raymond, the bacteriological quality of the water in Lac Raymond is generally good for swimming, as evidenced by the results collected in the middle of the lake and at the municipal beach over the past few summers. Data collected in the summer of 2023 indicate that levels Escherichia coli (E.coli) are actually acceptable for swimming, with levels ranging from 10 CFU/100 mL to an average of 175 CFU/100 mL. Direct contact with water requires a maximum of 200 CFU/100 mL, while indirect contact activities such as canoeing, kayaking and paddleboarding require a threshold of less than 1000 CFU/100 mL.
Contamination sources upstream of Lac Raymond
APELRRIN was concerned about constant runoff from the Brissette outfall in Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts. During rainy periods, the outfall was discharging large quantities of wastewater into the river. The study revealed that the problem was due to a reversed connection. Wastewater overflows and events involving discharges heavily contaminated with the plant's effluent were reported in Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts. Deficient septic systems were identified in the Montée Predeal-Trudeau sector of Val-Morin, whose contribution could not be measured in the present study.
Major corrective measures to improve water quality
These data were passed on to the towns concerned, leading them to take corrective measures that improved the quality of Lac Raymond's water. The Ville de Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts has taken steps to correct the pipes whose reverse connection was continuously discharging wastewater upstream of the Brissette outfall. Work began in summer 2024 and is scheduled for completion in early 2025. The town of Val-David has begun work to rectify the situation of sewer connections to homes with deficient septic systems in the Montée Predeal-Trudeau sector, to be completed by the end of summer 2024.
Working together for water quality
The quality of Lac Raymond's water has improved thanks to the concerted efforts of APELRRIN, Fondation Rivières and the affected municipalities, who have committed to taking the necessary corrective action to rectify the situation. The same work remains to be done for the Rivière du Nord, but it is possible to imagine regaining its uses by improving wastewater management and thus raising the profile of the river. Clean Water Challenge launched by Fondation Rivières to clean up water quality in the Rivière du Nord.
The Fondation Rivières collected a total of 82 surface water samples at 30 sites as part of the screening, between June 16 and September 17, 2023. In addition, 15 surface water samples were taken at four regular monitoring sites, once a week, between June 23 and July 17, 2023. Analysis was based on counts ofEscherichia coli (E.coli). We could already count on an impressive amount of historical data collected over several summers by APELRRIN.
About the Fondation Rivières
For the past 20 years, Fondation Rivières has been working to preserve, restore and enhance the natural character of rivers, and to help ensure water quality and access to water for the people of Quebec, taking into account social, environmental and economic dimensions. It carries out bacteriological quality studies for various municipalities, including Beloeil and Chambly.
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For further information:
Yannick. B. Gélinas
Communications Manager
514 272-2666, ext. 307