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Sophie Thiébaut - Gestionnaire de projet en mobilisation à la Fondation Rivières

Sophie Thiébaut

Newly graduated with a master's degree in environment from the University of Montreal, Sophie has been particularly interested in the last year in mobilizing the Quebec environmental movement for the fight for the climate, by getting involved in the Common Front for the Energy Transition and within the citizen movement The planet invites itself to parliament.

Previously a municipal councilor in Montreal for twelve years, she, among other functions, piloted the socio-ecological transition plan for the Sud-Ouest borough.

Coming from the community environment, Sophie participated in several urban struggles including the Mobilization for a better Turcot interchange, the self-managed project of Building 7 in Pointe-Saint-Charles or the future of the Bridge-Bonaventure sector.

She joins the Fondation Rivières with the objective of strengthening mobilization for the protection of water and natural rivers in Quebec as well as access to the banks, particularly in Montreal and on the Richelieu.

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The Great Descent
from the North River!

When? 📆 September 22, 2024

Where? 📍Mirabel