Take part in the COP15 with Fondation Rivières

Take part in the COP15 with Fondation Rivières

Health of lakes, health of life

On the occasion of COP15 – Conference of the Parties on Biodiversity, Fondation Rivières organized the screening of the documentary Our lakes below the surface. The film highlights the deterioration in the quality of Quebec's waterways and its impacts, particularly on aquatic biodiversity. The screening was followed by a discussion between Pierre Brochu and Louis-Gilles Francoeur.

Pierre Brochu, director of the documentary

With more than 150 hours of documentaries directed or produced, he became passionate about the issue of water from the age of 15 with his film The source, an image of the music of Claude Léveillé and André Gagnon. He then produced the documentaries I have a lake for you (2001), Our lakes below the surface (2009) and is currently working on a new project provisionally titled Water stories.


Louis-Gilles Francoeur, former journalist for Le Devoir specializing in the environment


“Are we killing, through unconsciousness, in one generation, the vast majority of lakes located in the heart of inhabited Quebec? » This is the question the journalist asked himself after watching the documentary Our lakes below the surface, whose admirable and rigorous effort at synthesis he salutes. Mr. Francoeur is the author of the book The green deposit, relating to the disengagement of the Quebec state in environmental matters.

The Fondation Rivières at COP15

Sophie Lachance, Pierre Brochu, Louis-Gilles Francoeur et André Bélanger réunis à l'occasion de l'événement Nos lacs sous la surface
Pierre Brochu and Louis-Gilles Francoeur surrounded by members of the Fondation Rivières team, André Bélanger and Sophie Lachance

On the occasion of COP15, governments and civil society from around the world are meeting in Montreal to adopt a global framework to address the biodiversity crisis and ensure the protection of ecosystems.

In collaboration with the COP15 Collective which brings together around a hundred Quebec civil society organizations, the Fondation Rivières has produced recommendations for the fight against invasive exotic species, for the promotion of access to the banks for the population, in addition to organizing the screening-discussion on the theme of lakes, the life they host and the degradation of their quality in the face of government inaction.

Born from a massive and successful mobilization against a hydroelectric dam project which would endanger 36 falls and their ecosystems, the Fondation Rivières is fully involved in the protection of biodiversity.

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