
Montreal, July 17, 2018

Mr. Daniel Savoie
Regional director
Regional management of the Environmental Control Center of Estrie and Montérégie
Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and
of the fight against climate change
770 Goretti Street
Sherbrooke (Quebec) J1E 3H4

Subject: Complaint concerning a snow dump polluting the Magog River


We bring to your attention that the meltwater coming from snow depot No. 1 located on Saint-Patrice Street East, in Magog, contains much more than the concentration of 30 mg/l of permitted suspended matter. This situation occurs in 47 of the 66 samples analyzed from 2003 to 2017, or 71 % from April to July-August. Concentrations often exceed 100 mg/l and reached 525 mg/l in 2011.

The inspection reports that we have consulted do not address this problem which has persisted since the opening of the site in 2003. We also note that the concentrations of oils and greases have no longer been precisely indicated since 2013. The capacity of the site has was set at 160,000 cubic meters, while 80,000 cubic meters were in question in the preliminary study. Has the sedimentation basin been increased accordingly?

The Ministry's guide to the development of snow disposal sites mentions, in article 4.3, that there must be no discharge of "untreated" water into the environment and that surface deposit must respect the quality objectives described, in particular 30 mg/l in MES and 5 mg/l in oils and fats.

Hoping to be informed of the steps you will take, please accept, Sir, the expression of our best feelings.

Alain Saladzius, P.Eng., FIC
President, Fondation Rivières

Photo: Aditya Vyas/Unsplash


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