Rafting sur la rivière Rouge

Fondation Rivières has learned that Hydro-Québec wants to sell its land along the Red River, land providing access to the river and which has retained its natural character to this day. The sale of this land would put an end to environmental protection and rafting activities in this river, which is an exceptional place for recreational contact.

The Fondation Rivières wishes to preserve these accesses to the Red River. To do this, a letter was sent to Éric Martel, the CEO of Hydro-Québec, to ask him to reconsider this sale and to commit to conserving the last natural rivers owned by the state enterprise. A press release was also sent to the media and local stakeholders were contacted in order to collaborate on this issue.

[1] : (Video) Hydro-Québec wants to sell land used for rafting – Radio-Canada

[2] : Hydro-Québec would endanger rafting on the Red River – Radio-Canada

[3] : The sale of Hydro land endangers the rafting industry – La Presse

[4] : Top 10 rivers in Quebec – Québec Aventure Plein Air

[5] : Outdoor rafting and tubing activities in Quebec – Trip Advisor Canada

Photo : Rafting propulsion


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