Alain Saladzius - La Fondation

Alain Saladzius

Co-founder, President

A graduate in 1982 from the École Polytechnique in civil engineering, with a focus on environmental protection, Alain Saladzius has worked for nearly 40 years in the field of water treatment.

He was project coordinator at the Ministry of the Environment and team leader at the Montreal Infrastructure Directorate of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy, where he supervised the completion of hundreds of water treatment projects. drinking water and wastewater. He participated in the development of the Quebec Drinking Water Economy Strategy resulting from the National Water Policy. He is now an independent consultant in water management and public administration.

Alain Saladzius was particularly active in analyzing the environmental and economic consequences of the awarding of electricity production contracts to private producers in the 1990s, independently. Its research and actions, in collaboration with various specialists and groups, led the government to create a public commission of inquiry into this industry in 1995. 

In 2002, he coordinated Operation Adopt a River bringing together five national groups and a multitude of artists, including Roy Dupuis, and committed volunteers to counter the construction of 36 small hydroelectric power stations on 24 rivers in Quebec. The initiative kicked off the Fondation Rivières and won the Phoenix Environmental Prize, Education and Awareness category. 

Alain Saladzius has received numerous recognitions throughout his career. He was the recipient of a Canadian Environmental Award, Community Action and Conservation Category, and the first Reader's Digest Hero of the Year in 2003. The Canadian Council of Engineers awarded him a Distinction the following year for meritorious services, Community Service category. In 2017, he was awarded the title of Fellow of Engineers Canada in recognition of his exceptional contributions to the engineering profession in Canada. The Order of Engineers awarded him an Honoris genius in 2021 to highlight his social commitment. In 2023, the University of Quebec awarded him an honorary doctorate for the implementation of our organization as well as for his exceptional contribution to the protection and development of Quebec rivers, particularly in the Adopt a River operation.

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Our charity number : 14505 9911 RR0002