
Tag: Rivière Mistassini

11e chute de la rivière Mistassibi

Hydroelectric power station on the 11th fall of the Mistassini River: authorization is based only on declarations of intent

Press release - Fondation Rivières denounces the government's authorization to build a hydroelectric power station on the 11th fall of the Mistassini River in Lac-Saint-Jean, in Premier Couillard's riding. The government is deliberately turning a blind eye to a multitude of consequences, as well as to the secretive management of the Société de l'énergie communautaire du Lac-Saint-Jean (SECLSJ), which is piloting the project. Important conclusions drawn by the Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement (BAPE) were not taken into account, and the government's analysis of the project's real economic benefits is flawed.

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11e Chute de la rivière Mistassini

Hydroelectric power station on the Mistassini River: the project does not meet the requirements of sustainable development and information on its management must be made public

Press release - The proposed hydroelectric power station on the 11th fall of the Mistassini River does not respect the principles of the Sustainable Development Act, and the Société de l'énergie communautaire du Lac-Saint-Jean (SECLSJ) is disguising its management by not respecting the Access to Information Act.

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