
Tag: Médias

Plage L'Assomption Léo Jacques - Fondation Rivières

Pilot project for continuous monitoring of water quality in the L’Assomption River

Press release - Fondation Rivières and the Ville de L'Assomption are currently carrying out a ground-breaking study to measure the impact of wastewater overflows and other sources of pollution on the bacteriological quality of water at the municipal drinking water intake and the Léo-Jacques Park recreation area, both located on the banks of the Rivière L'Assomption in L'Assomption.

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Grand Splash de Montréal

Grand Splash 2019: Montrealers jump into the river!

Press release - More than a hundred swimmers joined the Comité citoyen Montréal Baignade today for the traditional splash in the St. Lawrence River, starting from Jacques-Cartier Quay in the Old Port of Montreal. This 15th edition of the Grand Splash mobilized bathers to demand greater public access to the shores of the island of Montreal and better control of water quality.

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