
Tag: Hydroélectricité

PL 69 - projet de loi 69 Parc éolien vu du ciel Crédit photo : Thomas Richter

PL 69 risks killing the social acceptability of wind power and opening the door to more dams

Fondation Rivières is concerned about the centralization of decisions on the future of energy in the hands of the Minister of Energy, the opening up to industrial self-generation and private electricity production, and the increase to 100 MW of the capacity threshold for new private hydroelectric power plant projects. Under the pretext of accelerating energy production, Bill 69 opens the door to privatization of production without adequate control, threatening the environment, the economy and social peace, particularly in the regions.

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Politique énergétique : N’ouvrons pas la porte à la destruction des rivières au profit des prédateurs

Energy policy: Let's not open the door to the destruction of rivers for the benefit of predators

In its energy bill and energy policy, the government plans to raise the threshold for the private sector to build and operate power generation facilities from 50 to 100 megawatts. This is very worrying, as it opens the door to the unbridled construction of "small" hydroelectric power plants all over the country, already that the current 50 MW threshold corresponds to a dam as big as the one in place on the Rivière des Prairies north of Montreal and operated by Hydro-Québec.

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