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Tag: Fleuve Saint-Laurent

Batiscan Beach

Batiscan Beach: the coastline belongs to everyone

Did you read Ariane Krol's article published in La Presse on June 9, 2024? Her dossier, Tensions sur fond de sable blond, brilliantly documents the case of the Batiscan beach and establishes for good what we've been trying to communicate for a year: the shoreline is public. The littoral is the shoreline that is dry once the water has receded after the great spring floods or tides. It's called the high-water mark or littoral limit. The Ministry of the Environment has confirmed that it has not ceded the littoral and that it takes precedence over any transactions or demarcations made by riparian owners. In very rare cases, some river and lake beds are privately owned, but these exceptions date from the distant past.

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