

Mine du lac Bloom

Bloom Lake: the federal government urged not to rush a decision and to demand an alternative solution to save lakes condemned to becoming mining waste bins

Press release – Eleven regional and national organizations as well as three people from Mani-utenam and Moisie jointly ask Federal Minister of the Environment Steven Guilbeault not to authorize the destruction of lakes to store mining residues and waste rock. in Fermont, as proposed by Ore de fer Québec (MFQ).

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Mine du lac Bloom - Champion

No to the use of lakes as “trash cans” for mining waste

Press release - Environmental organizations are denouncing an imminent decision by the Quebec government to allow Champion Iron to destroy eight lakes by dumping mine tailings, despite the unfavorable opinion of Quebec's Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement (BAPE). The organizations are calling on Quebec not to go ahead with this decision, but to adopt a new regulation that would clearly prohibit this practice.

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Bloom Lake mine: the BAPE rejects the project!

Press release - Environmental organizations welcome the conclusions of the Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement (BAPE) that Champion Iron must redo its homework to avoid the destruction of lakes caused by the storage of tailings at the Bloom Lake mine. The organizations are calling on Quebec to follow all BAPE recommendations and require the company to implement alternative solutions.

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Legal opinion on the Bloom Lake mine: Quebec has the power to prevent the destruction of the lakes

Press release - As the Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement (BAPE) hearings on the Bloom Lake mine expansion project get underway today, Eau Secours, Fondation Rivières and Québec meilleure mine unveil a new study and legal opinion that clearly demonstrate that Quebec has the legal authority to refuse to allow the 8 lakes targeted by Champion Iron to be turned into mine waste garbage cans.

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