Affiche officielle de la soirée soulignant les 20 ans de la Fondation Rivières et les 25 ans d'Eau Secours, par Felix Girard

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Along the water, over time – A celebration of water protection

Join us for an unforgettable evening celebrating 20 years of Fondation Rivières and 25 years ofEmergency Water, two non-profit organizations central to water protection in Quebec.

In the program

A show where music, humor and memories will flow together to the rhythm of performances by Raôul Duguay, Paul Piché, Maryse Letarte, Valérie Ivy Hamelin, Sedalia Kawennotas Fazio, Joanie Picard Légaré and Mike Paul while Christian Vanasse and Emmanuel Bilodeau will be at the helm of animation.

Whether you are already aware of the cause of water or are discovering these organisms for the first time, this evening promises to be entertaining and inspiring!

Please note that :

• Seats are not assigned: first come, first seated!
• If the event is not sold out, there will be tickets on sale at the door the night of the event (cash only)

Good show!

Who are we?

According to many experts, the Fondation Rivières has been working to preserve, restore and enhance the natural character of rivers for 20 years. It helps ensure water quality and access to water for the Quebec population, taking into account social, environmental and economic dimensions.
Since 1997, Emergency Water has the mission to promote the protection and responsible management of water from a perspective of environmental health, equity, accessibility and collective defense of the rights of the population.


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Become a member of the Foundation by donating. Your contribution allows our team to continue to mobilize to protect Quebec's rivers and waterways for future generations. 

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Our charity number : 14505 9911 RR0002