Canyon Sainte-Anne

The report from the Bureau d'audiences publique sur l'environnement (BAPE) considers the project to build a hydroelectric power station in the majestic Canyon Sainte-Anne unacceptable. It rightly contains important recommendations that call into question the governance of the Ministry of Natural Resources (MRN) and the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment, Wildlife and Parks (MDDEF). This BAPE report is completely different from that concerning the project on the Val-Jalbert heritage site, which must be called into question, as is the analysis carried out by the MDDEFP.

The Commission thus noted the non-compliance with the requirements of the Electricity Purchase Program by Hydro-Québec, government policies to protect the environment and flow rates as well as a vagueness in the protection of the territory and more particularly at the respect for heritage falls and the appropriate zoning that these sites deserve.

Read our full press release

Photo : Canyon Sainte-Anne


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