Fondation Rivières

Fondation Rivières and Nature Québec are launching a major public information campaign – video and web – on energy Québec. Unique in its scope, the viral campaign presents the facts, statistics and energy options of Quebec in 2009 and demonstrates the enormous lead that certain industrialized countries have taken over Quebec in terms of energy. proposes to return to the path of Quebec pride and success in terms of energy, through energy efficiency and green energies, as well as an unequivocal government commitment.

With, citizens will finally have access to information that does not only come from the big energy lobbies. They will see for themselves that not only is Quebec destroying its chances of participating in the great economic movement of the 21st century but that current government choices lead straight to enormous economic losses for the State and citizens.

It's a viral campaign! We need each of you! Subscribe the Prime Minister, the mayors, the deputies, your friends! Broadcast to schools, associations, groups and Chambers of Commerce! And above all, subscribe to your business owners so that they understand the importance of reducing their electricity bills.

It was in 2009 that we reignited Quebec!


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Our charity number : 14505 9911 RR0002