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History of wastewater spills

Are Quebec cities and municipalities improving?

Découvrez l’évolution des performances des 700 municipalités du Québec de 2017 à 2023 sur la base de l’indice d’intensité des déversements par habitant. 

What is a outfall?

Spills refer to municipal wastewater that has not undergone any treatment before being released into waterways.

What is spill intensity?

The intensity of spills per capita is an indicator developed by Fondation Rivières which takes into account the duration of spills and the size of the overflowing structure. It makes it possible to compare the performance of municipalities with each other regardless of their size and to distinguish those which have improved compared to previous years from those where the situation has deteriorated.

Do you have questions about the wastewater spill record?

Discover the rivers for which Fondation Rivières acts positively. 

For any questions regarding the map and list of wastewater spills, please contact our data valorization and water quality advisor, Gabriel Cliche at 514-272-2666, ext. 303.

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