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What are the alternatives to hydroelectric dams?

Les barrages hydroélectriques ne sont pas sans conséquences pour l’environnement et les populations locales

Pourtant, une panoplie d’alternatives aux barrages hydroélectriques existent. Aucune ne constitue la réponse ultime à nos besoins; c’est leur combinaison qu’il faut considérer.

Think about energy and power

We need to think about alternatives in terms of energy and power. L'energy refers to the total production capacity of an electrical installation, to the energy stored. Let's see it like a car's gas tank or the storage capacity of a tank regulated by the flow of a river.

According to many experts, the power refers to an instantaneous capacity to meet demand during critical periods, particularly during extreme cold when heating demand is high (called peak period). Let's see it like the power of a car engine, the number of turbines used. For hydroelectricity, power is often associated with the head or elevation difference for a river. Beyond reaching the famous 150 to 250 terawatt hours (TWh) of energy by 2050, this is the crux of the matter.

La Manic 1 - Crédit : Hydro Québec
Manic 1 hydroelectric dam on the Manicouagan River, photo credit: Hydro-Québec

Energy saving

The best energy is that which is saved; this is what it refers to energy efficiency. To reduce our energy consumption, everyone has the power to be vigilant (what we call energy sobriety), but from a perspective of social justice, energy savings should absolutely be accompanied by strong public policies. For example, modernizing construction and renovation standards to move towards buildings with net zero energy consumption, subsidies to improve building insulation and encourage the installation of heat pumps, investing in public transport and in active mobility, etc.

Reducing energy consumption is what we advocate first and foremost the Dunsky Energy+Climate firm, which was mandated by the government of Quebec to equip it to establish strategies towards carbon neutrality in Quebec. The construction of new hydroelectric dams is not one of the options favored by this firm of experts.

Optimization of works

Let's also think about optimizing existing structures, both wind farms and dams. To this end, Radio-Canada estimates that the underuse of dams represents a potential of 1,000 megawatt (MW) lost. Hydro-Québec, for its part, believes that 2,000 MW of power can be added by 2035 by replacing generator turbines. In his 2035 plan, the state-owned company plans to add 3,800 to 4,200 MW of new hydroelectric capacity (power) and 6 to 10 TWh of energy from the optimization of its existing plants and the construction of new hydroelectric plants.

Solar and wind energy

À ce niveau, les énergies renouvelables comme le solaire et l’éolien présentent un grand potentiel au Québec. Puisque ce sont des énergies intermittentes (l’éolien fonctionne lorsque le vent souffle et le photovoltaïque, quand le soleil brille et que le ciel est dégagé), lorsqu’elles sont combinées aux barrages, elles constituent d’excellentes méthodes de stockage d’énergie. De cette façon, le Québec pourrait économiser environ 3,2 milliards de dollars par an, devenir carboneutre et assurer son autosuffisance énergétique grâce à la combinaison des filières éolienne et solaire avec les capacités de stockage des réservoirs hydrauliques d’Hydro-Québec actuellement en exploitation.

Nous devons expliquer ce que représente un « barrage vert » ou encore un « réservoir durable ». Il s’agit d’un ouvrage optimisé, qui utilise une surcapacité de production et qui est couplé à des formes d’énergie renouvelable afin de maintenir des niveaux d’eau optimaux.

La moitié du plan d’Hydro-Québec pour augmenter sa capacité de production d’énergie d’ici 2035 proviendra de l’éolien, soit 30 à 35 TWh (de 1500 à 1700 MW de puissance). Le gouvernement actuel n’entend toutefois pas limiter ses ambitions. Il veut utiliser cette énergie non seulement pour réduire les émissions de carbone dans les communautés, mais aussi comme moteur de développement industriel dans la province.

Their implementation must be done strategically considering the materials required for their manufacture (lithium, cobalt, graphite, etc.) and the space necessary to accommodate them: impact on bird populations and the landscape.

Traps to avoid

To succeed in decarbonization, all forms of fossil energy must obviously be avoided. The same goes for renewable natural gas, also called biomethane, which contains risks to health and the environment.

Due to the management of radioactive waste and the disastrous consequences that can occur during accidents, the Fondation Rivières does not advocate the return of nuclear power to Quebec.

Succeed in the energy transition without new dams

According to Hydro-Québec forecasts, Quebec must add 150 to 200 TWh of energy to its annual production by 2050. Three quarters will be used for decarbonization; the rest to economic growth. Currently, 94 % of 200 TWh produced annually are from hydroelectric sources.

The solution does not lie in building new hydroelectric dams. Their environmental and social impacts, better documented today than at the time of the construction of the large dams, are too significant. Alternatives exist, for the better of the population and natural spaces of Quebec.

Above all, fundamental questions must be addressed.

  • What will our electricity be used for? Meet the needs of the population or serve to fuel industrial growth?
  • What would Quebec be without its spaces crisscrossed by wild rivers?
  • What do we want to leave to future generations?

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