

Montreal, March 30, 2021 – The Fondation Rivières and the Eau Secours organization, in collaboration with students at the master's degree in environment from the University of Sherbrooke, are launching a new web portal on water management in Quebec. The population is also invited to participate in improving and updating the portal so that this tool is as complete and up to date as possible.

The Water in Danger portal is an archiving site for media articles and government and academic information related to water management issues in Quebec. This directory – not exhaustive – includes data whose objective is not to paint a portrait of water quality, but rather to list recent and historical facts at the level of governance, spills, contamination, privatization , marketing, accessibility and the destruction of wetlands.

With this initiative, Fondation Rivières and Eau Secours wish to raise awareness among the population and decision-makers about the repeated shocks that water bodies and water resources in general have suffered for decades. For André Bélanger of Fondation Rivières “ It is out of a duty to remember that we made the decision to implement this project. For example, do you know when and how many times there were spills in the Richelieu, Outaouais or Yamaska rivers? Of course not, because this information doesn't exist. Bringing together as much information as possible under the same banner is what we are aiming for and thanks to citizen contribution, we will achieve this. ".

However, water management is not limited only to the quality of river water. “ In addition to water quality, the resource must remain accessible and sufficient for our future needs. Privatization, commercialization, contamination and excessive sampling harm this access. How many bottled water factories are there? How many cases of contamination of drinking water sources have been recorded in Quebec, And the boil water advisories which have lasted for several months, even years? Do we have an idea of the surface area of wetlands destroyed in each administrative region in recent years? This is also Water in Peril. » also wanted to add Rébecca Pétrin, general director of Eau Secours.

The organizations remind us that if a particular case is not present in the portrait, this is normal. Water in Danger is a collaborative effort and alive to which the population is invited to contribute. Witnesses to an event can send information by completing the form provided for this purpose on the Eauenpé website.

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For informations :

Geneviève Tardy
Communications Manager – Fondation Rivières
514 424-3556

Mathieu Langlois
Communications Manager – Eau Secours
514 588-5608

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