
FAQS of Grand Splash

If you have a question about organizing or participating in a Grand Splash, please see the frequently asked questions.

For more information, contact us.

Before the Big Splash

The goal of the Grand Splash is to democratize access to waterways by launching into the water at safe locations, which do not have the status of public access to water, but which have the potential to become one.

The objective is to put pressure on municipal elected officials to make swimming and the practice of non-motorized water activities (canoeing, kayaking, paddle boarding, etc.) accessible and free for all, where The water is of good quality. 

The more participants there are, the more the cause is heard!

Les événements du Grand Splash se déroulent habituellement au début du mois de juillet. Les dates exactes de la prochaine édition sont inscrites ici

The Grand Splash is open to everyone! People aged 17 and under must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian to participate.

For people with reduced mobility, access conditions vary depending on the location of the Grand Splash. For that of the Old Port of Montreal, access to the Jacques-Cartier quay is possible, but the entry and exit to the water is not equipped with suitable equipment. The presence of chaperones is therefore recommended. Contact us for more details.

Any person or organization who cares about the beauty of rivers and watercourses, and who wishes to have greater access to them. Citizen groups, community groups, non-profit organizations, watershed organizations, municipalities, etc.

To organize a Big Splash, contact us

The local organizing committee undertakes to check the condition of the premises before the event. In terms of water quality, the Fondation Rivières team is committed to determining the level of risk that water quality poses to health for each of the Grand Splash locations. The results of these analyzes are made public 24 to 48 hours before the events in the form of vulnerability notices. The level of vulnerability of a site is assessed by taking into account the history of river water quality, the frequency of wastewater overflows, the levels of fecal coliforms (E.coli) nearby effluents, the presence of livestock farms as well as the dilution capacity of the environment.

If the water quality does not allow swimming, you will be invited to get wet up to your ankles, for example, as a demonstration of the importance of elected officials tackling the problems causing the degradation of the water. water quality!

Any person or organization who cares about the beauty of rivers and streams, and who wishes to have more access to them, can organize a Grand Splash. Whether it is a citizens' group, community groups, non-profit organizations or municipalities, there are multiple possibilities available to you.

To organize a Big Splash, contact us

There are several ways to get involved. Here are different alternatives available to you: 

The day of the Big Splash

Un Grand Splash dure environ 30 à 45 minutes, mais certains événements sont un peu plus longs. Le but est de créer un momentum and attract the attention of the public and the media in order to democratize access to waterways. 

Les jouets gonflables sont la bienvenue lors des événements du Grand Splash! Que ce soit des nouilles, des rondins ou un classique canard gonflable, tous les accessoires de flottaison sont acceptés. Il est aussi possible d’amener des embarcations nautiques non-motorisées, telles qu’une planche à pagaie, un canot ou un kayak à l’événement. Soyez originaux! 

Prenez note que certains groupes organisateurs exigent le port veste de flottaison individuelle (VFI). Dans ce cas, il y aura des gilets de sauvetage disponibles sur place, mais il est possible d’amener le vôtre.

Some Grand Splash events provide free canoe, kayak and/or paddleboard (SUP) rentals. Check the details of the Grand Splash you want to participate in to find out (Facebook event) or contact us!

We want to allow both swimmers and paddlers to participate in the Grand Splash in complete safety. This is why the following instructions must be respected. They will be remembered on the day of the Grand Splash: 

  • Paddlers enter the water first and position themselves at the ends of the area where the Grand Splash will take place, forming a square/rectangle to allow space for swimmers to jump. It is important to maintain this formation throughout the Grand Splash.
  • During jumping waves, we invite paddlers to “splash” with their paddle, taking care to remain alert to possible swimmers who might find themselves in the immediate area of their boat! 
  • We recommend that both paddlers and swimmers remain vigilant and keep a distance of one oar between each other. 
  • We recommend that paddlers stay on their boat throughout the Grand Splash to avoid losing their boat, particularly due to the river's current, for example. 

In most cases there are no lockers. We recommend that you do not bring any valuable items and/or keep an eye on your personal belongings. Please note that the organizers of the Grand Splash are not responsible for items lost or stolen on the day of the event. 

Two reasons can explain this gesture on the part of municipal elected officials. Some people jump into the water to claim free access to swimming or practicing non-motorized water activities where the water is of good quality, in a place outside their jurisdiction, therefore outside their field. to be able to. While for others, for whom the place is within their jurisdiction, They jump into the water to demonstrate their support for the process and their commitment to creating public areas of access to water. 

In the event of bad weather, a Grand Splash may be canceled and postponed to a later date. Indeed, heavy rains can lead to wastewater overflows which affect the quality of waterways. 

Don't worry: the Fondation Rivières team determines the level of risk that water quality poses to health for each of the Grand Splash locations. The results of these analyzes are made public 24 to 48 hours before the events in the form of vulnerability notices. The level of vulnerability of a site is assessed by taking into account the history of river water quality, the frequency of wastewater overflows, the levels of fecal coliforms (E.coli) nearby effluents, the presence of livestock farms as well as the dilution capacity of the environment.

If you wish to cancel your registration for a Grand Splash, we invite you to contact us directly.

Make a difference for the environment

Become a member of the Foundation by donating. Your contribution allows our team to continue to mobilize to protect Quebec's rivers and waterways for future generations. 

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Our charity number : 14505 9911 RR0002