The sun returns at the same time as our activities aimed at improving water quality and access! The summer promises to be busy: around twenty Grand Splashes to organize, several mandates for monitoring water quality and screening for sources of contamination to be delivered, as well as several citizen mobilization files to defend... that's who we will keep you busy!
To achieve our objectives, we are fortunate to welcome three interns for the summer period. Candidates for a master's degree in environmental management, Coralie Massey-Cantin and Marie-Emmanuelle Bossé, as well as the future bachelor's degree in geological engineering, Marisol Uriza, bring a breath of fresh air to the Foundation! What roles will they occupy? What motivated them to choose Fondation Rivières to complete their internship?
Coralie Massey-Cantin, water quality field technician

“ I chose to join Fondation Rivières for my internship since I consider myself privileged to have always had access to quality water nearby. From a young age, my father would tell me all the good memories he had windsurfing in Paia, Hawaii, while I would swim in Bass Lake and my mother would tell me her sailing stories in Baie-des-Brises. In short, I was looking for an internship that meets my values; Mission accomplished! »
This summer, Coralie will carry out field sampling and participate in mandates to evaluate the swimming potential as well as to determine the sources of pollution in waterways.
She has a lot of knowledge about wetlands and water environments, which she was able to deepen as part of her master's degree. Coralie wrote an analysis of the ecosystem management of the MRC Haute-Yamaska, took courses on sustainable rainwater management and carried out several research projects on emerging pollutants. At the same time, she is familiar with data analysis using software such as Power BI and Excel, which she was able to put to good use as part of the Bachelor of Business Administration specializing in sustainable development and marketing.
Teamwork is an element that she values, having notably held the role of Vice-President Projects of the Humaniterre Group, a student committee at HEC Montréal focused on sustainable development.
Marie-Emmanuelle Bossé, project manager for citizen mobilization

“ It is an honor for me to join the Fondation Rivières team as a citizen mobilization project manager. Holder of a bachelor's degree in communication and currently a master's student in environmental management, I see this as the perfect opportunity to combine my skills in order to communicate the issues of access to watercourses, in raising awareness and educating the Quebec population. For me, it is also an opportunity to make a real impact in my community, while promoting the protection of our most precious local resource: water. »
As part of her summer internship, Marie-Emmanuelle will be responsible for organizing the second edition of La semaine du Grand Splash across Quebec. This year, to mark the 20th anniversary of Fondation Rivières, 20 Grand Splashes are planned to mobilize the population for better access to swimming. Thus, Marie-Emmanuelle will be the link between the Foundation and the various municipalities or organizing committees to ensure the success of the events.
Before joining the Foundation, Marie-Emmanuelle worked for several years in event management, here and internationally. His resourcefulness as well as his sense of organization and teamwork will be valuable assets on which we can count for the organization of the Grand Splash where family and friends will be invited to jump into the water between the 1st and the 10th. next July. This is an event not to be missed!
Marisol Uriza, Water Quality Field Technician

“ Social justice and environmental protection are values that are close to my heart. After listening to the podcast I like Hydro and the documentary Look for the current, I knew that Fondation Rivières was the perfect place to do my first internship. The Foundation will allow me to take concrete actions to protect waterways in addition to developing my expertise in the field and data processing. I see my internship as an ideal opportunity to learn! »
At the Foundation, Marisol will carry out several screening campaigns using sampling. It will compile and interpret the data in order to identify the sources of water contamination.
Holder of a certificate in environmental studies, Marisol is currently a bachelor's student in geological engineering, environmental profile, at Polytechnique Montréal. She has laboratory experience in drinking water treatment, as well as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). She also knows how to recognize the different minerals that are likely to be a potential source of contamination of waterways, which will be very useful to her in the field! Marisol is also skilled in Python, R, Excel and Autocad, handy for data processing and mapping pollution sources.
Giving back to the community is important to her. Indeed, Marisol is responsible for the animation component of the Poly-Fi committee, whose mission is to make engineering accessible to all, particularly young girls and children from disadvantaged backgrounds, through scientific activities in schools. primaries.