Montreal, October 5, 2015 – The report from the Ministry of the Environment made public after the City of Montreal press conference last Friday raises new questions about the chaotic progress of the file. This report, the names of the authors of which are redacted and their training enabling their expertise to be judged is unknown, refers above all to the application of "instruction note no. 11-07" and does not make it possible to establish the expertise expected from the government on the proposed works. The report essentially repeats the City's statements without any apparent counter-expertise.
The February 24, 2015 report indicates that the discharge of sewage will cause "significant microbiological contamination", that the period chosen from October 18 is not that of "least impact", and that Environment Canada must also authorize the City. This does not correspond to the press conference statement by Executive Council President Pierre Desrochers who mentioned that a Quebec-Canada agreement should be put into effect within two weeks to eliminate duplication of jurisdiction in the analysis of files.
In short, the available information does not allow us to conclude that there is a need to discharge the sewage, in whole or in part. The Fondation Rivières therefore requests the disclosure of documents relating to this project, those of the City, the MDDELCC and Environment Canada. A second opinion must be carried out by people with the competence to pass judgment on the construction methods proposed by the City.
For informations :
Alain Saladzius
514 924-2013